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Moving Forward with a Plan

Jan 23

3 min read




I was able to sit down with a good friend today and talk over my business plan moving forward. I was able to talk some sticking points out and roll ideas around between the two of us.

Every idea that I currently have is outside the box, or the norm, of what a fitness professional should be striving for. And because of that, It feels scary to tell people what your heart is telling you to do, especially when it does not fall in line with tradition. Luckily I have amazing friends and I was so excited to tell her everything I was thinking about doing. And she loved all of it. Even better, we aligned with each other on most of it.


A couple weeks ago I had a goal to post every single day for a year on TikTok for the purpose of growing my account and getting more visibility. Ummm, yeah, I obviously failed that plan.

However, today I started thinking.... what if I wrote more and blogged, or made a video for my content library on my website every day for a year instead? I think that is a great idea. Even if some of the blog posts are short form, a picture and a few words, why not? I like the art of creating content. I don't like that a social platform algorithm determines whether or not a single person sees it or not.

What if I just posted for myself and my clients and let google eventually pick up everything I am doing over the year?

So, I am going to try it. I probably won't publish 365 times, but if that is the goal, I could make it pretty close if I actually tried. And if I practice writing for my self and for the clients I actually want to attract, I think this could be really fun!


Today I spent some time making the graphics for my next 4 week program. Its called Titts & Ass...and I am not joking! Focus is on building the glutes and building chest and back muscles. The workouts for T&A are primary tabata kettlebell strength based. I choose a tabata style platform for this whole program to focus a little more on cardiovascular heart health for the month of love and hearts - February.

I am 0% sorry for this ❤️
I am 0% sorry for this ❤️

This is the stuff I have always wanted to make but havent do to what my friends, family, and clients would think. Well, my friends are pro-me and 100% want to see me succeed, thrive, and be happy; my kids are teens-adults and don't give AF and my husband just wants to see me happy and succeed; and my current clients are all super fucking rad and have been waiting for this program to finally happen!

I am super excited for it because it is going to be in an online course format and it will be on a super simplified app - you choose what you want. I will also be creating printable content for this program. I will release that as soon as I can.

What is the Lesson Here?

Just do the mutherfucking thing.

Your people want the best for you.

Everyone else is not your people.

PS - the people who see you posting things and purposely do not like your stuff, are not your people, nor your friends. Literally EVERYONE knows how hard it is to get stuff seen on social media and anyone choosing not to engage in your content is doing so on purpose.

Your true friends are the ones that fervently like everything you put out there, regardless. Those 3 people who like every goddamned thing you put out there, are your biggest cheerleaders.

✌🏻 Deborah

Jan 23